Best Buy Cheap Once Upon a Time 5 Piece Baby Crib Bedding Set with Bumper by Cocalo is The best choice Cocalo Baby Product at present. When you're looking for good Cocalo Baby Product, we suggest this product will be the real choice.
Besides of its affordability, Once Upon a Time 5 Piece Baby Crib Bedding Set with Bumper by Cocalo also comes with so many interesting features. This product will certainly complement your needs.
Product description Once Upon a Time 5 Piece Baby Crib Bedding Set with Bumper by Cocalo
Once Upon a Time 5 Piece Baby Crib Bedding Set with Bumper by Cocalo The Once Upon a Time 5 Piece Baby Crib Bedding Set includes quilt, bumper, dust ruffle, fitted sheet and window valance. The quilt measures 37 inches x 44 inches. The bumper is a reversible 4-pc bumper that measures 10 inches wide x 157 inches long. The short sides measure 10 inches x 26.5 inches and has a set of ties at each corner. The long sides are 10 inches x 52 inches and has 4 sets of ties along the top and bottom. The dust ruffle has a 14 inch drop, and the fitted sheet is designed to fit a standard size, 28 inch x 52 inch crib mattress. The window valance measures 53 inches across with a 12 inch drop and accommodates a 2.5 inch valance rod. The set is made of 100% polyester and 65% polyester - 35% cotton blend fabrics. The sheet is 100% cotton and the platform of the dust ruffle is 100% olefin. All filling is 100% polyester.
Set includes quilt, bumper, dust ruffle, fitted sheet and window valance
Quilt measures 37 inches x 44 inches
Bumper is a reversible 4-pc bumper that measures 10 inches wide x 157 inches long
Dust ruffle has a 14 inch drop, and the fitted sheet is designed to fit a standard size, 28 inch x 52 inch crib mattress
Window valance measures 53 inches across with a 12 inch drop and accommodates a 2.5 inch valance rod
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